CKD Surveillance Search Results

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Identification of those at risk for development of CKD forms an integral part of a CKD surveillance system. First, examining changes in the burden of risk factors for CKD can help predict the potential future burden of CKD. For example, if the prevalence of an important risk factor is rising, it is likely that the prevalence of CKD will rise accordingly. Second, assessing the burden of risk factors can also help identify which interventions are likely to have the most impact on reducing the burden of CKD. Early intervention in those with risk factors may help prevent or delay the onset of CKD, or in the case of established CKD, help slow progression or reduce related morbidity and mortality.

CMS, NATIONAL VA, Clinformatics Commercial, Clinformatics Medicare Ad, CMS-Medicaid

Suggested Citation:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chronic Kidney Disease Surveillance System—United States.